Make water 100 times wetter and you need far less for washing a vehicle. Water is the great solvent dissolving just about anything due to its unique chemical formula. Its problem is with non-charged matter such as fats and oils. A lot of road grime is oily in nature and water will not wet it.
Hence the need to add strong detergents to reduce waters strong surface tension to attack the fats and oil. Now we have a chemical additive that avoids the use of these strong chemicals is biodegrade bale, it leaves a protective film on cars surface and is such a strong surfactant that you can wash a car with no runoff. There is no wasted water whatsoever, nothing, nada, going down the drain, and it leaves a protective film on your car.
At first, we were very sceptical about these claims, but now we have used these types of product on many different types of vehicles are pleasantly surprised at what great results they give us every time. Water has an affinity for itself. So, poured on to a car it coagulates and runs off the vehicle. 90% of car wash water runs down the drain not wetting anything. Add our magic non-toxic, biodegradable safe additive and the water wets and penetrates the dirt and grime leaving behind a protective film. It requires special application techniques, and it does take longer to wash using this method, about twice as long but this is a small price to pay considering the water-saving and how much better your car looks.